Cops are at the track too. They are there for safety and to make sure no problems arise. They are also there to race. They are in full uniform and have their real everyday patrol cars reading to line up. Unfortunately not everyone can race them. Only the high school kids can. Regardless seeing them race is quite interesting and it promotes high school students to race in a safe environment and come on, what high school student wouldn't want to race a cop. I would love to as well unfortunately that will not be happening. The cop cars are not that fast, I know I could beat them but to able to say you had a drag race with a cop would be something I would add to my bucket list. The concept behind it is what counts, I think its a good idea because it takes away the urge to race on the street where you can crash, loose control, or worse hit a pedestrian. Especially since high school kids don’t know the consequences that could lead to racing on the street, I know I didn't when I was in high school. Top the Cops in my personal opinion is good idea, it gets kids to the track and once you race there you start to realize how dangerous street racing is and it kind gets it out of your system; that urge to race.
Drag Racing
Gas, Clutch, Shift, Repeat.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Monday, May 11, 2015
Gasoline Vs. Electric
Just a while back there was a video posted of a drag race. This wasn't an ordinary drag race. The two cars that were racing was the new Dodge Challenger Hellcat against the all battery powered Tesla P85D. Both of these cars are insane in their own way, the Hellcat contains 707 horsepower and sounds as if you’re in the middle of a thunderstorm. On the other hand the Tesla P85D has 691 horsepower and probably wouldn't hear it if you were sitting in a library. Well when the video was posted the Tesla did see the finish line first as well as setting a world record for fastest electric quarter mile, causing mayhem in the track, especially since everyone loves big V8 engines roaring and the smell of petroleum those big engines let out, how can you give that up? Of course you see that the hellcat didn't launch so well, and I don’t blame the driver, launching that massive car on street tires after you have just purchased it must be hard. After so many requests for a rematch the driver of the hellcat when out and bought himself a set of drag tires and practice his launch. With the P85D and the Hellcat lined up the outcome was different. The Hellcat crossed first in the rematch and gasoline reined supreme once again. The Hellcat ran an 11.08 at 125.92 while the P85D behind at 11.92 run at 112.11. Although the Hellcat did win, this definitely shows in which way cars are heading in the future. A car that you can drive daily, and take to the track and give a hellcat a run without burning a drop of gasoline or releasing any emission is insane in my opinion. This a certainly a race that will stay in the history books.
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
The Christmas Tree That is Always in Season
I remember the first time I went to the track and they told me look at the christmas tree I was so confused as to why this would be on the track and why he would be explaining it to me, but I eventually put two and two together. Yes I said christmas tree, what is it and why would this concern you in drag racing? To most a christmas tree would bring thoughts of tree with ornaments, in December and with gifts nicely wrapped under it. To me a christmas tree reminds me of the one at the track, standing rite in-front of you ready to light up the race. The christmas tree is simply the sets of lights that start the race. The tree was first introduce on 1963 by the NHRA at the event Nationals in Indy (Burgess). Since then it has had some new updates here and there but moving on. So depending on the track or the event the tree will work in 2 different ways. The first is the standard tree or sequential. So there are two invisible beams on the track, when you roll your car forward and cross the first beam the pre-stage lights will light up. That means you’re 7 inches from the “stage” light, you can take this moment to just prepare yourself. Once both cars light up the stage light, the lights will begin to light up: yellow, yellow, yellow, green. What you don’t know is if you see green or go on green you’re going to slow. So always try to go on the third yellow, this will lower your reaction time which is crucial. Reaction time is simply how fast you react to the lights. The other way the tree works is the professional, this is one is fast and you have to be ready. So again, once both cars are lined up on “stage” (finish line) then all three lights will light up at the same time and .400 seconds after green. So you have less then half a second to react.
Burgess, Phil. "National Dragster." In 1963, the Christmas Tree Lit Up Drag Racing. Read Periodicals, 22 Apr. 2011. Web. 06 May 2015. < >.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
You Have Arrived at Your Destination
When you arrive expect the smell of petroleum, the sight of white smoke, and the noise of screeching tires but before you can enter you do have to pay, which varies depending on the track you go too. Most tracks have a website that shows prices and dates for events. So who can race? Anyone with a valid driver license and a car, if your minor you probably will need to get a waiver signed by your parents. A question many people have is if that payment is only for one race, and the answer to that question is no. Depending on how early you get there before elimination rounds, which ill talk about in another post, will give you more chances to run your car. Before you can run your car you must get it inspected this is the first thing you must do when you go to most tracks and if your car is faster then a certain time they will want to expect your helmet as well. After you pass their quick inspection you will be placed in, depending if your car is auto or manual, either “street car” or as I like to call them “clutch busters.” They separate autos and manuals because automatic cars have it easier in the elimination rounds. They will explain the Christmas tree -yes Christmas tree- to you as well and its something I plan to get into more detail later on. Any car can go, I have even seen cars such as a Toyota Camry there, but I will be honest, that is not common. The point is to get your car faster and faster but at the end of the day don’t forget its for fun. Everyone there is for the same reasons you are and the community of people at the track are all friendly, even the intimidating looking ones.
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